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July 30th 2017 – Sermon – Deuteronomy 7:6-9 – Jesus is the True Treasure of the Church
Behold Your God!
Isaiah 40:9-10, “Go on up to a high mountain, O Zion, herald of good news; lift up your voice with strength, O Jerusalem, herald of good news; lift it up, fear not; say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God!” 10 Behold, the Lord GOD comes with might, and his arm rules for him; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him.”
“I just want to shout it from the rooftop!” An exclamation likely felt and perhaps made by many a young lad or lass smitten with keen affection. So full of joy and love they want everyone to know. But here the prophet speaks to Jerusalem itself, that is to the people of God, and reminds us that we have a joy far greater and deeper, which ought to be shouted from the highest of mountains. And the joy is this “Behold your God!” That is essentially the Christmas message. That God can be beheld. That He who dwells in unapproachable light, who could only allow Moses, himself the pinnacle of human piety, to see his back, can now be seen plainly by all. God can be beheld in the face of Jesus Christ. And He has come to reign. Jesus is the might of God. He is His holy right arm. He is the reward of those who trust in Him. And He brings the recompense for the enemies of God’s people. He brings death for death and destruction for sin and hell. He brings everlasting joy for you. Go tell it on the mountain! For behold! Your God is here.
In Christ
Pastor Ude
Holiday Service Times
Here is the full run down of our special services for the Holiday Season:
Wednesdays in Advent (Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th, Dec. 14th) at 7:00 – Midweek Advent Services.
Christmas Eve at 6:30 PM – Children’s Christmas Eve Service
Christmas Day at 10:00 AM – Divine Service
New Year’s Day at 9:00 AM – Divine Service
Christmas VBS
Update – Due to the Storm we are going to cancel VBS tonight (Dec. 16th).
December 2nd, 9th, 16th from 6:00-8:00 PM.
Drop off your kids, get some Christmas shopping done or have a date night!
Kids will learn the Christmas Story, make their own nativity set, eat cookies, play games, sing carols and basically just have fun!
Register by calling 715-450-2968 or email at or just show up!
New Church Location!
We are excited to announce that we are buying a new church building. The closing date is set for this Thursday. Lord willing, we will be holding our first service in the new church this Sunday, April 17th 2016. Come join us at 3100 East Calumet Avenue, Appleton WI, 54915 at 9:00 AM!
In Christ
Pastor Ude
A Sign to Behold Part 2…
Ahaz was in a heap of trouble. Not from bill collectors or bad grades but from his neighbors to the north. In jealous anger Syria and Israel came down upon Judea, surrounded Jerusalem and were about to besiege it. All of this was allowed by God as punishment for Ahaz’s unbelief and idolatry, leading the people away from God. When they heard of the attack against them, they were afraid – so afraid that, “their hearts shook like the trees shake before the wind.” Really, they should have known better. All the times that God had delivered them, all the times that He had shown His mighty hand to save. In fact that is exactly what God wanted them to do – to remember, to repent. But they didn’t, they just shook. Still, God came with a promise for Ahaz and the people in verses 7-8 “It shall not stand and it shall not come to pass…” In fact, God said, within 65 years both of these menacing countries would be nothing but ashes. This might have seemed very hard for Ahaz to believe but God in His mercy offered to give him a sign. While Ahaz’s response might seem very pious and trusting, God’s answer reveals his heart – it was nothing but hypocrisy. He thought to say what God wanted to hear but still he doubted. So God Himself chose the sign, one higher than the heavens and deeper than sheol, the greatest sign that has ever been given: “Behold the virgin pregnant and bearing a son and she will call his name Immanuel.” Usually, if you want to assure someone of something that will happen in the future, you give them something now, like a downpayment on a car. That’s what God did when Gideon asked for a sign – he performed the miracle of the fleece to assure Gideon of His word. But here God has it flipped around – the sign that He gives was not to happen for about 700 hundred years. We aren’t told what Ahaz’s reaction was but I can imagine he well might have thought Isaiah was nuts – “what are you talking about you crazy prophet? the virgin pregnant? What does that mean? What good is that? How does that help me against Syria and Israel.” Isn’t that typical? How often do we, in unbelief think that God’s answer cannot help me with my problems. Perhaps it was so for Ahaz. If so, he was wrong. This was the perfect sign to behold, to cure him and all Judea of their shaking hearts because it is the surest promise of scripture.
God had been pointing his people to the promise of the savior for thousands of years. It was to this sign that He pointed Adam and Eve on the day they left the Garden of Eden. This was the promise He made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This one promise was the sign for all people. It was their hope, their confidence and their joy. This sign was the best proof God could give to Ahaz because there never was nor ever would be anything more sure than the miracle boy – Immanuel, He who would save his people from their sins. In God’s eyes it was as good as done. This is why Isaiah says “if you are not firm in faith you will not be firm at all.” This is the sign to behold for shaking hearts because it cannot be shaken.
Isaiah 5:8-30 –…
These verses describe the spiritual bankruptcy of the nation of Israel at the time of Isaiah. How sad that this was the case among God’s own people! How sad that they had forgotten the Word of the Lord and turned to these things instead! And isn’t it familiar? The condemnation spoken in these verses applies in our world as much as it ever did which shouldn’t be surprising. There is nothing new under the sun after all. And the sinful nature is ever the same.
Still people make the focus of their lives getting stuff and having a good time. Everything has to be fun it seems, everything must be entertaining. And we always have to have more. People think it’s fun to go out and “get hammered.” People think sex is some toy to be tossed around and used however it best pleases me whenever I want.
And perhaps worst of all people call good, evil and evil, good. People call abortion good. People call homosexuality good. People call sex-change operations good. And people call God and His Word bad or irrelevant or outdated. They call anyone who confesses this Word a “bigot” and tolerate no discussion to any view contrary to their own.
As Isaiah says (verse 21) “Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes.” And that wouldn’t just be “people” and “those guys out there” that would be you, dear reader, and me. Because we love to be wise in our own eyes. We love to think we always know best, always have the answer. And our sinful nature loves to call evil, good and good, evil.
So what’s the answer? For you, for me, for all the people of this morally bankrupt world? God’s Word. God’s Word shows us that we are not wise but He is. It shows us that He alone knows what is right and what is wrong, what is true and false, what is beautiful and what is not. Most of all, it shows us that Christ is our Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:30) – the wisdom of God for salvation. The one in whom we find peace, forgiveness, joy, and all the answers we need. God grant it. Amen.
In Christ
Pastor Ude
The Seventh Commandment
The Seventh Commandment
“You Shall Not Steal”
What Does This Mean?
We should fear and love God that we do not steal our neighbors money or possessions, nor get them in a dishonest way, but we should help him to improve and protect his property and way of making a living.
Do you treat something differently if it doesn’t belong to you? Are you more careful when you are driving your parents’ care than you would be if it was your own? Are you more careful to be clean when eating at a friend’s house than you are at your own?
In this commandment, we are really taught to do two things. First, to respect our neighbor’s possessions and Second, to properly understand how to treat our own. Even if you’ve never stolen something, you can probably think of a time where you didn’t do everything you could to improve and protect his property and way of making a living. It’s pretty easy for us to justify ourselves in this kind of behavior because we naturally think that we should do everything we can to improve and protect our property and way of making a living first and only help our neighbor afterward. Picture yourself with two friends watching the football game. You’ve ordered a pizza which has 8 slices. Each of you is currently eating a second slice, there are only two left. You want one. So what do you do? You probably start eating faster! That’s our natural way isn’t it! Instead, we should be going out of our way, even putting our own property and way of making a living at risk in order to help others. Anything less is, really, stealing!
The second thing we are taught here is how to treat our own money. Remember how you tend to treat stuff differently if it belongs to someone else? Truthfully, we should treat all that belongs to us that way because none of it really belongs to us. Everything is God’s! He made it all. And what we have, we only have because He has given it to us. We are stewards left to take care of what the Master has given until He returns. And He has left us in no doubt about what we should do with it. 1. We should use it to take care of our family. 2. We should use it, generously to help the poor, especially the poor in our own congregations. 3. We should set aside the first fruits as a gift to God’s Church so that the message of forgiveness and salvation might be proclaimed to the world! We should do all this out of love for all the many gifts He has given us – especially the best gift: His Son, our Savior who delivers us from the death our sins of greed and selfishness deserve. 2 Corinthians 8:9, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich.”
In Christ
Pastor Ude
Remember Who You’re Talking To
Job 38 –
Have you ever found yourself saying something to someone and then realized that they already know it? Like a patient telling a doctor about some “medical fact” they read on the internet or when an atheist tries to lecture a Christian on what the bible really says. That’s what has just happened to Job. After Elihu gets done berating Job for going too far and reminding him of the God’s justice, God decides it’s His turn.
“Where were you?” Is the basic question God asks Job. With scathing sarcasm He humbles Job. It’s as if to say, “Remember Who you’re talking to!” There is nothing that you know as well as God knows. And what you do know is as nothing compared to God. His power, wisdom, and might are obvious in creation in so many ways. You should remember that when you are talking to or about God. Remember it and fear. Also, remember it and rejoice. Because this God, the one in the heavens who has done whatsoever He has pleased is also the God who has become your Father by giving His Son for you. Remember that when you’re talking to God or about God too.
In Christ
Pastor Ude