Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
It is very easy to be overcome by evil. When we are mistreated we become resentful. When we find that people have broken our trust we become distrustful. When a child has grown up knowing abuse and neglect, he or she often ends up doing some of the same things. Evil breeds evil. And this is why Satan is so set on doing it. He knows that when he gets someone to do something evil it will bear an exponential evil harvest. Evil cannot overcome evil. Or as Martin Luke King put it, “hate cannot overcome hate, only love can do that.” Specifically, only the love of Christ can do that. Because only His love is real love. Only His love has overcome evil. His love which runs as deep as the wounds he bore for you on calvary, that love has conquered the devil, and all of hell’s evil hosts. He has conquered even death itself. He conquered all these simply by loving you. By loving you so much that He allowed Himself to be taken, beaten, mistreated, and killed. And His love in you is the only thing that causes you to love. It is this love, this good, which overcomes evil. It overcomes the hatred of the world. It overcomes the evils done to you in this wicked world. It overcomes the grave too for it lays hold of Christ, our victorious head. And where He has won, we have conquered, where He has gone, we will follow.
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